
  • On China's Industrial Playbook (and Europe's Response)

    June 2024

    As Europe’s political and economic leadership considers how to compete in this environment and deliver the energy transition in a way that provides security and economic prosperity, it is important to reflect on China’s own industrial strategy and modus operandi in global supply chains to understand the scale of this geopolitical and economic challenge, and craft policies to address it.

  • Inaugural Paper: Empowering Europe - Developing a Roadmap to Strategic Autonomy and a Competitive Energy Transition

    Dec 2023

    EIES’s launch paper examines Europe's strategic energy supply chain dependencies and vulnerabilities, identifying a path for derisking the energy transition while safeguarding industrial competitiveness.

    Developing a Roadmap to Strategic Autonomy and a Competitive Energy Transition
  • Critical Raw Materials – NATO’S Alternative Futures

    May 2023

    . . . Europe’s dependency on Russian gas made us vulnerable. So, we should not make the same mistakes with China and other authoritarian regimes. We must not become too dependent on products and raw materials we import. (NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Munich Security Conference, February 2023)

    Critical Raw Materials: NATO's Alternative Futures
  • Food for Thought: Managing the Transition to a Decarbonized Economy

    Jan 2023

    The energy challenges that the world faces today are increasingly global in nature. As we look for a path towards a safe, secure, and clean energy future, we must widen our perspective to find a path to address those global challenges together.

    Food for Thought: Managing the Transition

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