Press Release

EIES launches new risk-based framework for prioritising strategic technologies that improve Europe’s resilience and security

10 December 2024

Brussels, 10 December 2024 – A new brief by the European Initiative for Energy Security (EIES) urges the EU to radically prioritise the development of strategic technologies or technological areas amidst a heightened threat landscape and competitiveness challenges.  

The brief makes the case for the adoption of a risk-based approach to European security, encompassing national security and economic security. This comprehensive security framework should comprehensively assess existing and emerging risks – including geopolitical and trade risks – and builds a clear, coordinated and prioritised risk-mitigation framework.  

Strategic technologies are those that can contribute to technological superiority and physical and/or cyber security of critical infrastructure (CI), have the potential for domestic scale-up, increase domestic energy availability and/or affordability, contribute to domestic materials availability and/or reduce external materials dependencies on high-risk players, and also have dual-use potential.  

Europe faces unprecedented security challenges, including the largest armed conflict on the continent since World War II to escalating hybrid threats such as weaponised trade. Combined with a decline in industrial competitiveness, these pressing challenges underscore an urgent need for Europe to refocus its efforts on strategic technologies to safeguard its security, resilience, and global standing.  

“We need to stop labelling everything as ‘strategic’”, said Petya Barzilska, Policy Lead at EIES, formerly with ISS ESG and S&P Global, “and avoid failures of imagination or parochial thinking that would downplay the impact of significant risks that might be ‘unthinkable’ in times of peace.”  

The framework would serve to guide investments and regulatory support, including trade and investment defence tools for strategic industries and technologies that offer decisive advantage and leverage to Europe in the global geopolitical arena. The launch of the brief marks the start of EIES’ Strategic Technologies work programme, which will culminate in Q3 2025.    

About EIES   

The European Initiative for Energy Security (EIES) advocates for secure pan-European and national energy policies, dedicated to fostering collaboration between government and industry leaders. EIES seeks to address critical energy challenges and champion comprehensive solutions for the benefit of Europe's energy security, transition, and industrial competitiveness. EIES works with the Energy Security Leadership Council-Europe (ESLC-Europe), composed of retired and active military, political and business figures, to achieve these goals.   

Contact: Isabelle Dupraz, EIES Deputy Director –